Healing Vibration Art

Showing category "New Art Pieces Ready to order" (Show all posts)

Star Leone- Evolutionary energies from Galactic Centre via Sirius

Posted by Tracy Robbins on Monday, July 15, 2013, In : New Art Pieces Ready to order 
This channel from Celia Fenn explains the information I have been receiving whilst painting this Lion painting and downlaoding the light codes into it:

The Lion's Gate 2013
Many have asked us, what is the Lion's Gate and why is it named for the Lion? Well, it refers in part to the fact that the Sun enters into the sign of LEO at this time, and these energies are integrated into the Earth under the energy of the Lion, the Feline Energies of Sirius which are fierce and proud and very "royal". The...
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Twin Hearts

Posted by Tracy Robbins on Saturday, March 31, 2012, In : New Art Pieces Ready to order 

 Twin Hearts

Twin Hearts is a depiction of two baby angels, coming into the womb of their mother to do their work in human form.  They are high vibrational souls and the added energy of the other helps them to brighten their combined energy to enable a nourishing development in the physical plane which is much denser than the realm they are from.  They have been energetically hard wired for a life together through their hearts, but sometimes things go wrong and both don't make it.  This is the...

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Alignment Painting Ready

Posted by Tracy Robbins on Friday, February 18, 2011, In : New Art Pieces Ready to order 

New Painting Finished- Alignment


The peacock represents alignment and symmetry of the physical, energetic and spiritual (multidimensional) bodies.  It bring you into the present as a whole being from where you can conduct yourself with integrity and bring through your unique gifts. The feather display of the peacock signifies the luminance that emerges from expansion of inner beauty and expression of the soul essence.  When we extend our divine connection energetically upward into the...

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Sanctity is ready for ordering

Posted by Tracy Robbins on Friday, December 17, 2010, In : New Art Pieces Ready to order 


Sanctity represents the pure, unblemishable core within us.  She is empowered and shines her light where ever she is, so pure and crystalline she reflects the colours of her environment outwardly, brightening and enlightening all around her.  As she emanates her radiant glow, all toxins, negativity and blockages are cleared away.  She has arrived from the stars, like an inception of divine grace and heralds the new evolved, conscious reality.


If you picked this card for y...

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About Tracy

She is a spiritual healer who feels a strong connection to animals, nature and the angellic realm. She specialises in assisting the sensitive beings of the world to enter their new environment safely and to raise the vibration of the planet. Her healing work is gentle and intricate and especially recommended for assisting conception, birth and post labour healing for mother and baby. Tracys work is also especially recommended for healers and other sensitives who require high vibrational sensitive work. Healing sessions (and art) release blockages, trauma and tensions on all levels and then resource and energise the whole being on all dimensional levels, progressing spiritual advancement and ascension. Tracy began expressing her healing energies through art in October 2007, when she was drawn to the beautiful pastel sets at an art shop she was walking past. Mesmerised by the pastels, she was invited to join a pastel painting workshop that very weekend with Zoe Fletcher where the journey began. Her first piece was the tiger below which expresses the tranquil energy that Tracy was experiencing during the day of discovery (called Presence). From this point, much magic has unfolded through the wonder of Pastel painting.