Healing Vibration Art

Available as:

  • Print- A2, A3 and A4.
  • Healing Greeting Card.
  • Mugs, t-shirts, bags, keyrings etc available on request.
  • Single healing card or part of an 11 card set of Vibrational Art Cards


Grace represents spirit landing very solidly and strongly onto this earth in this dense physical reality, with strength and purpose.  The horses are etheric, of spirit, but becoming solid as they touch the earth, still radiating their spiritual splendour and light, just as a new born baby does as it transitions into its new body, still carrying it’s light.  The horse on the left is the feminine aspect of the being and has very subtle wings shaped from the mane.  It floats more than gallops.  The central horse has clear direction and looks you square in the eye with love, determination and power.  The right masculine aspect looks straight ahead, not swayed by distractions, led by clear, higher guidance of the central figure.  Together they represent power, clarity, purity and strength, led by higher guidance.


If you picked this card for your guidance, rest assured that you are directed by your own higher self.  Your rational mind and your heart may be conflicting about the issue in question or it may be a matter of whether to nurture yourself or be responsible, take action or practice the art of being.  There is a clear answer here that is available to you and it will satisfy both your masculine and feminine aspects.  Do whatever activity it is that grounds you and connects you to your higher knowing, be that meditation, walking in nature, basking in the ocean.  Ask the question and listen to the answer be received via a knowing, a feeling, a sensation or a message external to your being such as a song on the radio.

Vibrational properties

Having this card in your environment or as part of your healing session, will balance your masculine and feminine aspects, give you clear direction, guided by a higher purpose and ground your higher self into the present.  It brings self-empowerment, clear guidance, an infusion of spirit and higher perspective.  It give your strength of will and bring through purity of intention, clearing away obstacles and toxins with it’s light.