Healing Vibration Art

Available in:

Ascension Card
Healing Greeting Card
T shirts

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 Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose represents alignment with your souls purpose.  The white peacock is spirit embodied and displayed proudly, held and moved easily by strong feet and legs.  The peacock feels your glance and turns to face you, maneuvering with ease and grace to look you in the eye, his magnificent display moving with him, balanced and symmetrical, even in movement. Hearts (feathers) are produced from his core and replace themselves like the cells of our body, he is the source of divine love.


If you picked this card for your guidance, you are reminded to bring your spirit into every aspect of your life.  By doing this you are aligning and embodying your souls purpose.  The gift of spiritual progression comes with a responsibility that can feel heavy and much bigger than us, as the peacocks tail feathers are much bigger than he is.  Ascension also comes with the ability to hold and balance our multidimensional bodies and process knowledge and energy from all these levels at once as in truth, we are one and all at the same time.  It sometimes feels difficult to display our true self in its purity in situations where it may be judged or challenged but it is these places that we especially need to hold our spiritual presence and the strength it gives us to meet any challenges that confront us.  There is no competition as that which is truly aligned to us will be drawn to us when we are aligned to our soul.  That which is not drawn is simply not aligned and therefore not in our highest good or the highest good of others involved. 

Vibrational Properties

Having this card in your environment or as part of your healing session, will help you to remain aligned to your soul purpose and to hold yourself and your multidimensional gifts and knowledge proudly and strongly in this world.  This is the final card of the pack and the apex of knowing yourself and holding your true self in alignment, drawing to you all that is in alignment with your soul purpose and ultimately right for the whole.  You are lovingly moving with divine consciousness that flows through you and all of the universe.

Learn more about the Ascension Cards- click here