Healing Vibration Art

20/07/2013: Update on the energies coming in via Sirius. This painting is also an offshoot of the Twinflame Reunion painting and further refines and anchors the energies of the new paradigm family represented by the lions in the bottom right hand corner of the garden of eden. I have had these Syrian Lions with me since about November/December 2012 as I was completing the twinflame painting. The astrological line up of 25th July for 2 weeks, as well as the sacred geometry formed by the grand water trine and grand earth trine on 29th July holds the portal open for this transformative energy to catapault us into the new paradigm and today I needed to anchor the next stage of this energy through the ears of the lion (hearing the souls guidance) and the foxgloves and pink flowers which were grounding the starlight through relationship, transmuting the blockages to being with your true souls pairing. Painting still in progress but these latest codes now contained in the painting..hope you receive them well. 

27/07/2013: Chanel via Tracy Robbins about the Lionsgate.  In the days coming you will notice a resolution to many issues that have dumb founded you in current times and past millennia. This influx of light will expand throughout the cosmos, encircling the earth in a golden haze, bringing about constant eloquent change in a fashion which has not before been recognised. The dawning of the new era is imminent, it is upon us, the resolution to global problems is about to occur. Fads and fashions in ways of being, in religion, in soul expression, are about to become outmoded as true authentic soul expression replaces them. Triads and trinities are forming in the cosmos and on earth. These alliances form solid unbreakable structures with great manifesting ability and functionality. Rescuing will a be a thing of the past as all will begin to be held in the field of unity. Rest in the supportive arms of the unity field, understand you are safe, allow yourself to be held. 

 Star Leone (in progress)

Anchoring of the Evolutionary Solar Star Energies via Sirius July 2013

This channel from Celia Fenn explains the information I have been receiving whilst painting this Lion painting and downlaoding the light codes into it:

The Lion's Gate 2013
Many have asked us, what is the Lion's Gate and why is it named for the Lion? Well, it refers in part to the fact that the Sun enters into the sign of LEO at this time, and these energies are integrated into the Earth under the energy of the Lion, the Feline Energies of Sirius which are fierce and proud and very "royal". The "Gate" or "Stargate" is a period of approximatley two weeks in which a vortex opens and a wave of intense Light from the Galactic Center is recieved on the Earth. This "wave" contains the new Light Codes for the Evolution of the Earth for the next year/cycle, and so it is known as the Planetary New Year.
The Star system of Sirius has always worked closely with the Evolution of the Earth, assisting where possible. The Sirians assisted in the etsblishment of the Ancient Egyptian civilization after the Atlantis trauma had destroyed all previous civilizations. The Egyptian civilization carried the "Star Wisdom" and "Creation History" of the Elohim, which was transmitted to the Earth by the Sirian Wisdom Keepers. In Ancient Egypt the Sirians were the Mediators between the Galactic Council at the Central Sun and the people of Earth. Each year, between the 26th of July and the 12th of August, a new wave of Galactic Light from the Central Sun would be directed towards Earth and magnified by the Sun in conjunction with the Heliacal Rising of Sirius in the North.
The Sirians would accept this energy into the Pyramid complex at Giza and then transmit the Codes into the Earth Grids, allowing for a peaceful and fluid transmission of the Energies. After the Giza Stargate was closed, the Earth transmissions were still mediated via Sirius, but they were not received coherently by the Earth, and so the Earth's evolution was slowed and even distorted for a while. However, in the last ten years, the Earth has ascended into the Fifth Dimension and has "graduated" to Full Member Status of the Galactic Council, and now the Lion's Gate transmissions are being received directly by the Earth and by the Council of Elders and the Earth Keeper Council and distributed via the new Crystalline Earth Grids. In this way, the Evolution of the New Earth will follow the "directions" of the Light Codes that are received from the Galactic Council and the Great Central Sun.
This process is quite new to your Earth, and while the Sirian Light Emissaries are standing by to assist, they are leaving the management of the incoming wave to the Earth Councils and the Family of Light. So, Beloved Family, what you are feeling now is this incoming Wave of Light as it approaches the Earth and is integrated into the Earth Consciousness.