Healing Vibration Art

This Image is available as a print of various sizes or on Tshirts such as maternity t-shirt or toddlers t-shirts.  You can also have it on a mug or fridge magnet.  You can purchase prints and fridge magnets below.  To purchase clothing click here.

 Twin Hearts

Twin Hearts is a depiction of two baby angels, coming into the womb of their mother to do their work in human form.  They are high vibrational souls and the added energy of the other helps them to brighten their combined energy to enable a nourishing development in the physical plane which is much denser than the realm they are from.  They have been energetically hard weird for a life together through their hearts, but sometimes things go wrong and both don't make it.  This is the healed version of Vanishing twin syndrome.  A fairly common occurrence, where tow babies are conceived and only one makes it.  In this version, both are nourished equally in the way they need and the womb, combined with their wings, support their growth and development in the high vibrational frequency that they require to thrive.

Vibrational Properties

Having this painting in your environment or as part of your healing process, helps you to have clear boundaries and clear relationships.  It helps with the symptoms of vanishing twin syndrome for womb twin survivors such as: over responsibility for others, harmonising empathic tendency with own needs, balanced intimate relationships, survivor guilt and feel ins of unworthiness, always giving your energy to others, feeling of being misunderstood and alone, difficulty meeting your own needs.  This is useful for pregnant mothers who are bringing in a high vibrational child or for anyone who has the above symptoms or boundary/ self nurture issues.